
Grade 6 Math Investigations

The purpose of this blog is to engage students in authentic math discussions prior to meeting together to solve a mathematical investigation as a team. Once the students have meet to complete their investigation they will present their findings / solution in a creative way to demonstrate their understanding and thinking.


  1. Anonymous7:20 PM

    I think the purpose of this blog is so that students can show how they understand and how are they doing in math, also we also get to show some strategies we use so that students that are having difficulties can use these strategies to make these questions much easier to do. :P Valeria

  2. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I think that the purpose of this blog is if some students that are having problems in math they look at strategies that would help their learning. Also so that stutdents can work together and get help from one another.
    Victoira >(@.@)<
